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The Sword of Goliath Discussion

Many thanks to all who read my book. I want to take a moment and try to answer some of the questions I received in feedback messages. The setting for the Sword of Goliath is in Sonoma County and San Quentin. My friends and family who read the book commented on the location as they knew this is an area I grew up in. The age old adage, “go with what you know” definitely applies. I worked at San Quentin as a Correctional Officer, Sergeant, and Lieutenant during my career with the California Department of Corrections. I knew having a prison break where the readers were rooting for success would likely not go over well with my brothers and sisters who walk the toughest beat in the State. Nevertheless, the genre seemed to make up for my rather cynical jab at my own profession. To my fellow peace officers, please know you have my complete respect and appreciation for doing a job most could not.

Writing fiction and especially fantasy allows one to take certain liberties as there are no rules to hold the writer back. Notwithstanding this, a lot of the characters in the story are based on actual individuals and even some events. The scene where Billy Parson sucker punches Jake in the face as he is leaving Science class is almost an exact account of what happened to me in the seventh grade.

I am happy to post direct questions or discuss scenes of the story if you would send your message to the following e-mail address

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